Although the price of the ton bag is not high, but the material it contains is millions of times its price, so we are particularly concerned about the quality of the ton bag. In order to transport the safety of materials, customers generally require the aging resistance of ton bags to reach half a year, or even more than a year.
There will be different degrees of aging of ton bags after using for a long time, why?
1. ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light is the main reason. As ton bags in storage, transportation, use and other processes in contact with the most is the sun, the sun's ultraviolet light has high energy,
will promote the generation of free radicals and hydroxyl compounds, thus decomposing ton bags raw material polypropylene, resulting in reducing the tensile capacity of ton bags, causing
chalking and fading and other phenomena.
2. photo-oxidation mechanism. Daylight photo-oxidation mechanism, there are two sources: ① direct sunlight - direct sunlight; ② indirect sunlight - the reflection of water vapor, dust in the air.
These two sources of sunlight contain infrared rays, which lead to various oxidants and easily degradable polymers. After the passage of time, it will cause the ton bag aging increasingly serious.
3. temperature and humidity. Regional climate differences, differences in temperature and humidity, easy to affect the ton bag. The higher the humidity, the more tide flood, water is not easy to
evaporate, will accelerate the aging of ton bags.
This phenomenon makes the use of ton bags is greatly restricted, so how to avoid the aging of ton bags has become a matter of concern.
1. pay attention to the waterproof and moisture problems in the use of ton bags. After use, it should be dried immediately.
2. avoid to contact with acidic substances in the use of the process. When transporting acidic substances, they need to be packaged separately inside, avoiding direct contact with the outer bag
of the ton bag.
3. When transporting or storing goods, avoid placing the ton bag in direct sunlight to prevent long time exposure to ultraviolet rays resulting in lower tension of the ton bag.
In addition to the above avoidance measures, manufacturers can add anti-aging additives in the production process to alleviate the aging of ton bags from the root of the problem.